
Traditional Versus Modern Education in Mathematics

Before the computer/technology age, the method of the teaching was mostly direct instruction. The source of the information was the books and the teachers. Moreover, the only method that teachers use was teaching by using the black board. Thanks to the development in the technology, at the end of the 20th century education has changed. The most influenced departments from this change are the science, mathematics and engineering. In mathematics, especially in geometry, using technology has become more important. Before computers and technological materials in mathematics education the students have problem to understand the concepts, since the problem of visualization and connect the concepts to each other. I remember that when I was in the middle school ( Actually this is happening also now 😆) I understood the main concepts of the mathematics after we go though the new and superior one. For example, when I learned the least common multiple and greatest common factor, I

Cannon Ball Game

Here is a geogebra game to teach students both physics and mathematics. It is very useful tool for data collection and interpretation of the data. Students can have both fun and knowledge.

Unfolding a Hexagonal Pyramid Which is Cut by a Plane

In this video you will see how to unfold a hexagonal pyramid which is cut by a plane that makes an angle with base plane, in Cabri 3D. I hope you find it easy and understandable. If you any questions you can make a comment on this blog as well as the Youtube channel. Click Here  to Download the constructed version of it.

How to make a Clock on Geometer's Sketchpad

In this video there is an explanation about how to construct a clock that the minute hand and hour hand depends on second hand's motion. It is good for students to see the relation between hour, minute and second and also it allows to see the how the angle is changing between them. Click Here to Download  Sketchpad document Objectives: 5 th Grade: ·          Zaman ölçü birimlerini tanır, birbirine dönüştürür ve ilgili problemleri çözer. 6 th Grade: ·          Aynı veya farklı birimlerdeki iki çokluğun birbirine oranını belirler. 7 th Grade: ·          Çemberde merkez açıları, gördüğü yayları ve ölçüleri arasındaki ilişkileri belirler. Pedagogical Explanation : For 5 th grade, the main point is to discover how to interpret an analog clock and how the relations among time measurement units. Although there is a reasoning behind why 1 hour equals to 60minutes or why 1 minute equals to 60 seconds, stu

Teaching Mathematics

Many of the students asked many times where will we use this in real life? To be honest It happened all of us. In early school years, many of us did not judge the reason of learning some staff. However, when we grove up we started to think the famous question. Is it really necessary to learn mathematics after knowing some basic concepts like operations and solving some problems? When my students ask me this questions, I always say them you will use them in high school, or in the university. Then, I realize that what if they do not want to know more about it, what if some basic concepts are enough for them? Is it necessary to push them to learn more and more? A couple days ago my friends and I was talking about how we learned the math and how we understand the logic behind some concepts and subjects. I realized that I learned them after many years later. For example, I learned the logic behind the integral when I came to the university, but in university entrance exam I di


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Technology And Education

Humans always has tried to develop gadgets that makes their lives easier. Fire, paper, wheel, computer, electricity and so on. So, everything that made by humans to make their lives easier can be called as technology. Engineering and industry always associated with technology, but all branches of the science are correlated with nowadays’ technology and many technological devices, tools and gadgets can be used out of their purposes. Many technologies are developed for army, or big companies. For example, PowerPoint software program is developed for use of companies, yet it can be used in many different areas, like education, science. Until the end of the 20 th century, just a few of technologies had developed for education. But teachers and some other developers changed these technologies and make it usable in education. Nowadays, many technology companies understand the importance of education and technology based lessons and its market value, and they started to develop some usefu