
Showing posts from December, 2017

Unfolding a Hexagonal Pyramid Which is Cut by a Plane

In this video you will see how to unfold a hexagonal pyramid which is cut by a plane that makes an angle with base plane, in Cabri 3D. I hope you find it easy and understandable. If you any questions you can make a comment on this blog as well as the Youtube channel. Click Here  to Download the constructed version of it.

How to make a Clock on Geometer's Sketchpad

In this video there is an explanation about how to construct a clock that the minute hand and hour hand depends on second hand's motion. It is good for students to see the relation between hour, minute and second and also it allows to see the how the angle is changing between them. Click Here to Download  Sketchpad document Objectives: 5 th Grade: ·          Zaman ölçü birimlerini tanır, birbirine dönüştürür ve ilgili problemleri çözer. 6 th Grade: ·          Aynı veya farklı birimlerdeki iki çokluğun birbirine oranını belirler. 7 th Grade: ·          Çemberde merkez açıları, gördüğü yayları ve ölçüleri arasındaki ilişkileri belirler. Pedagogical Explanation : For 5 th grade, the main point is to discover how to interpret an analog clock and how the relations among time measurement units. Although there is a reasoning behind why 1 hour equals to 60minutes or why 1 minute equals to 60 seconds, stu